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Original Banner Design by Kim G Kloecker The inspriation for this banner came from the story of William Penn, the founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and his project called the 'Holy Experiment'. He believed that if all people would put God first in everything they did, (including the government), God would honor them and bless them. He wrote a framework of government that detailed how to go about doing that and most of the US Constitution was written around his plan for a Godly nation! It was also inspired by a young, Pennsylvania mural artist in the early 1900's named Violet Oakley. She was the first woman in mural art history to receive the highest paid commission in America, by the State of Pennsylvania. She was commissioned to paint 43 murals in the PA State Capitol Building and all reflect the story of William Penn and how Pennsylvania would set the presidence for the world as to what a Godly nation would look like. Her murals can be seen today at the PA State Capitol. This banner represents the glory of the Lord being restored to the state of Pennsylvania. The eagle represents God and how we are called to be like eagles bringing the glory of the Lord. The Liberty Bell, a symbol of freedom and inscribed with Lev. 25:10 tells of the restoration of PA and then taking it to the nations! Order info available on request